That is not Politically Correct!

How many times have you heard that a statement of yours is not politically correct? What exactly does being politically correct mean? and why was is it invented?

Well political correctness is a term applied to language, ideas, policies, or behaviour seen as seeking to minimize offense to gender, racial, cultural, disabled, aged, you name it identity groups. This can be traced all the way back to the end of the eighteenth century in the US in the supreme US court. The whole point of it was to set up a neutral perspective on everything really. In my opinion the use of Political Correctness is in itself more incorrect then just normal language. I believe that calling somebody "vertically challenged" is worse then calling somebody "short" as it creates a feeling of disability as in you are challenged. It is not a disability at all. Calling somebody "short" is just stating a fact. While calling somebody "vertically challenged" is just mocking them.
Many critics of political correctness agree with me about it. They also argue that it endagers freedom of speech with which everyone is allowed to speak their mind without consequences.

Language - How did it start?

Language has evolved so much over the years that no we have so many languages around the world, almost 7,000 in fact. But what is language? How was it invented? Did cavemen just suddenly go and say " I think that we should create a language so we can all understand each other"? No they didn't. They probably used sign language together with drawings and the basic grunt.

So who invented letters, words and whole languages? Well to be honest I have no idea.

But the according to the definition - Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols - something must have been started somehow. Of course there are many definitions of language, language after all is a way of knowing in its self. It is a way of knowing as you can put labels on things so that you know what they are, otherwise try to define an object such as a table. It is just a whole lot easier to just say the word "Table". Of course if words and letters weren't invented how would I be explaining Language now over the internet. I couldn't really do a video using sign language as that would not be very helpful to those who don't know it. Apparently my teacher had a mother who was deaf. He didn't learn the sign language however as his mother was an excellent lip reader. It just goes to show how language has evolved. Look at the Ethnologue post if you want some more information on language.