Which of our faculties do you think is more reliable - Reason or Perception?

Perception and reason are two forms of knowledge.

Perception is the process by which organisms interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world. We as humans do this using all five of our senses - sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Using these five senses our brain sends and receives messages. For instance: if a plate is very hot and you touch it using your hand your brain gets the message that it is hot and causes a reaction to immediately stop touching the plate. Though on the Sense Perception journal entry we see that perception can be deceiving to us.

As you can see from this picture to the left. you may immediately see one picture. But if you look closely you will see another. Our brain immediately tricks us by interpreting the data it gets from our eyes.

Reason on the other hand has many definitions since there are many different types of reasoning to do as shown in journal entry #9 and #10. Therefore you can see that there are many fallacies with Reason as well.

As you can see from the diagram from the left there are many assumptions made from very little amounts of knowledge. We all no that 2 does not equal to 1 no matter how you put it. However, with the little information given various outcomes can be given that can be wrong or right.

So from the knowledge that you have been shown you can see that neither Reason nor Perception are reliable in any way. But you can make up your mind on deciding which one you think is more reliable.