Natural Sciences

As human beings we are always trying to find a formula or solution to everything that takes place. This is all thanks to our human inquisitiveness and our human need for everything to connect together. We do this using the Natural Sciences.
From the discovery of new things in the 21st century to the "Big Bang" everything has to be able to be explained eliminating any religion, mysticism or magic. There are three sections to the natural sciences section: Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences and Social Sciences. Yes a lot of people even explore fro reasons why people act as they do to try and fit you in a formula that describes people. But Basically the sciences can all be narrowed down to a simple rule. Biology goes to Chemistry and Chemistry goes to Physics. So basically whoever didn't take Physics for their IB could have saved a lot of work.
Lets take evolution as an example for a moment. Many people would not want to believe Darwin's crazy theory of evolution because the church had the power in those times denying any theory that doubted Christianity and the creation of earth and the human beings. They first said that the earth was flat and that the earth was at the centre of the universe and humans started from Adam and Eve.
So Evolution got struck down even though he had much evidence to support. But nowadays everybody has pretty much taken evolution to be the right answer atleast all the scientists have. Some schools in the USA actually don't teach Evolution as they actually truely believe that humans were born from Adam and Eve.

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